Diy 500 watts mono high power amplifier using transistors 2sc5200 and 2sa1943 v1 duration. Smd code, package, device name, manufacturer, data, datasheet. Diodes and transistors pdf 28p this note covers the following topics. K7, sot 323, 2n7002w, tip, nchannel mosfet, download datasheet. Top results 6 part ecad model manufacturer description datasheet download. Bss84 pchannel enhancement mode vertical dmos transistor. Smd databook electronic circuits, tv schematics, audio. Elektronische bauelemente ss8050 npn silicon general purpose transistor 26oct2009 rev. If you have any questions related to the data sheet, please contact our. Smd code package device name manufacturer data datasheet. K72 datasheet, k72 pdf, k72 data sheet, k72 manual, k72 pdf, k72, datenblatt, electronics k72, alldatasheet, free, datasheet, datasheets, data sheet, datas sheets. Marking of electronic components, smd codes k7, k7, k70, k72, k7k. K72 product type marking code ym date code marking for sat shanghai assembly test site date code marking for cat chengdu assembly test site y or year ex.
Unfortunately, each device code is not necessarily unique. K7, sot323, 2n7002w, tip, nchannel mosfet, download datasheet. To identify a particular smd device, first identify the package style and note the id code. Small footprint surface mount package 2v prefix for automotive and other applications requiring unique vbrdss rdson max id max site and control change requirements. This mosfet has been designed to minimize the onstate resistance. Recent listings manufacturer directory get instant insight into any electronic component. We make every effort to ensure that the material on this site is accurate, however we do not warrant or represent that.
Recent listings manufacturer directory get instant. K72 smd code, k72 datasheets, smd datacodes for k72 electornic. How to use the smd codebook to identify a particular smd device, first identify the package style and note the id code printed on the device. C page 2 of 2 any changes of specification will not. Main car audio dvd motherboards mobile phones monitors laptops printers. Basic semiconductor physics, diodes, the nonlinear diode model, load line analysis, large signal diode models, offset diode model, transistors, large signal bjt model, load line analysis, small signal model and transistor amplification. Smd smt sot893 npn bipolar transistors bjt are available at mouser electronics. Datasheets 2n7002, 2n7002dw, 2n7002k, 2n7002kw, 2n7002w, bcv71, bs870, bzx384b4v3, rt9818c30pvl. K72 smd databook electronic circuits, tv schematics, audio. Marking of electronic components, smd codes k7, k7. K72 datasheet, k72 pdf, k72 data sheet, k72 manual, k72 pdf, k72, datenblatt, electronics k72. Although the software seems a bit ugly design running on dos, but it works perfectly with the database with many components and is free, makes an interesting tool to interested in electronics, want to know when information about a particular component or find a replacement the operation is quite simple and is separated by categories such as. Download ic database equivalent guide 100 thousand. We make every effort to ensure that the material on this site is accurate, however we do not warrant or represent that the information is free from errors or omission.
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